MG Book Review | Fizz and Peppers at the Bottom of the World | M.G. King

Fizz and Peppers - new

By M.G. King    ★★★★★


Everyone knows that sunlight turns trolls to stone. What most people don’t realize is that a single bubble of soda fizz wakes those violent, bickering creatures back up! Just ask Colin Colbeck.

When Colin drops through a mysterious hole under his brother’s bed, he discovers a band of smoothie drinking trolls who tell him his grandmother has been kidnapped. It’s up to Colin to journey into the deep to save her.

Followed by his ex-best friend and a reckless little brother, Colin and his companions discover a troll war about to cause a catastrophic earthquake. Scandanavian mythology meets suburbia in this perilous tale. [Goodreads]

My Review

This book has been lingering in my to read pile for quite a while and I finally took the plunge to read it. It was totally surprising to find such a rich adventure lingering beneath such an unassuming cover (now updated as shown above). It gave no indication as to the type of story or the scale of the setting within. M.G. King has created an amazing world full of great characters that could quite possibly really be underneath our noses.

Colin is the main character of the story, who finds himself in a desperate search for his missing Grand. She’s wandered off one night and gone missing. Much to his surprise, he discovers that she’s been kidnapped … by Trolls! This is where it gets complicated for young Colin. Soon enough his younger brother, Sid, goes missing too. The trouble is, who’d believe his story that Trolls live under the house and have a penchant for kidnapping. Would you?

So the adventure moves underground to an amazing place. We soon find that there’s a heap of drama going on in the world of Trolls, which will have a terrible impact on everyone above ground. There’s plenty of action, captures, escapes, and surprises lingering in this story.

In a stroke of genius, Sid had decided to bring along his spy book for reference purposes, in case they were in a jam. It came in very handy and littered the story with comical tips that often had me chuckling as I read. Another character that we meet is Pepper, she’s the mean and grumpy girl from next door, and she was my least favourite character. You’ll need to read it for yourself to see how she deals with the huge chip she has on her shoulder.

In addition to these ones, I seem to have come across lots of Trolls lately, reading Troll Mountain by Matthew Reilly, and watching The Hobbit on DVD. I’m wondering if they really do exist! I really enjoyed this book. It had an action packed climax and a clever twist right at the end.

In a nutshell

Fizz and Peppers is a great read that as I mentioned before, was a pleasant and action filled surprise.

Note: I don’t claim to be a pro-reviewer, I am a reader. My reviews are based on my personal thoughts around the story that the book is trying to tell. I try to focus on the story (which is the reason I read) rather than dissect the book and pass comment on typos, writing style or structure.

     Want to know more about M.G. King and her books?
Click below to check out more information.

MG King

While you’re here, please check out my edge-of-your-seat time-travel adventure series’  by clicking the pic below.

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5 responses to “MG Book Review | Fizz and Peppers at the Bottom of the World | M.G. King”

  1. I am so glad you enjoyed this one Steve, I am half way through it and loving it. I better go finish it, he he. Great review


    1. Thanks, Julie. I really enjoyed this one.


  2. You made this sound like too much fun 🙂

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette


  3. Funny this – I saw Steve’s review in my inbox just as I’d started reading it too. We must all have the same reading piles! My review will be out on 28 June (but I finished it today and loved it!)


    1. correction – scheduled for 5th July !


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